Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Student Blog #12

As Hillary Clinton spent the first weeks of her presidential campaign meeting voters in Iowa, her closest potential rival for the Democratic nomination -- Vice President Joe Biden -- was a thousand miles away, meeting in Washington with the leaders of five different foreign countries, delivering an update on U.S. strategy in Iraq, and rallying elected Democrats behind the administration's economic agenda.  If Biden has his way, that's what his schedule will look like for months to come as he mulls a third bid for president.  Unlike other Democratic and Republican competitors, the vice president has said he won't decide until the end of the summer whether or not to run. He hasn't taken any preliminary steps toward setting up a campaign apparatus, and supporters say they haven't heard one way or the other whether he's planning to jump in.
This relates to our class because it involves the presidential election; specifically primary elections.
I know that it is obviously Biden's right to run but he seems to have no chance to defeat Clinton.  Voting for Waka Flocka would most likely be a better move.

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